
This Keyword

The “this” keyword in Java is a reference to the current instance of the class in which it appears. It is primarily used to differentiate between instance variables or method parameters and class variables with the same name. Here are some key points about the “this” keyword:

  1. Accessing Instance Variables :- You can use “this” to access instance variables of the current object. This is useful when a method parameter has the same name as an instance variable.


public class MyClass


          private int value;

            public void setValue(int value)


                     this.value = value; // “this” refers to the instance variable



  1. Ues  in Constructor Overloading :- The “this” keyword is often used to call one constructor from another constructor in the same class. This is known as constructor chaining.


public class MyClass


       private int value;

        public MyClass()


                   this(0); // Calls the constructor with an int parameter


        public MyClass(int value)


                    this.value = value;



  1. Return Current Object :- The “this” keyword can be used to return the current object from a method, which allows for method chaining.


public class MyClass


        private int value;

        public MyClass setValue(int value)


                        this.value = value;

                        return this; // Returns the current object



  1. Passing Current Object :- You can pass the current object as an argument to another method.


public class MyClass


       private int value;

       public void doSomething()


                        AnotherClass.anotherMethod(this); // Passes the current object to another method



  1. Referencing Inner Classes :- When working with inner classes, “this” is used to distinguish between the instance of the outer class and the instance of the inner class.


public class Outer


       private int value;

       class Inner


           public void doSomething()


               int value = 5;

               System.out.println(value);      // Local variable

               System.out.println(this.value); // Inner class instance variable

               System.out.println(Outer.this.value); // Outer class instance variable




The “this” keyword is a convenient way to work with the current object’s members and to clarify references when there is a variable name conflict. It’s a fundamental concept in Java object-oriented programming.